Tuesday, June 28, 2016

One Month

We have survived our first month of parenthood! It has been exhausting, emotional, challenging, but yet has been the most amazing experience we both have gone through. We still have lots to learn but I would have to say we got pretty lucky to have Sage for our first baby. She is a dream!

I am convinced we had a super baby! From the day we brought her home she only woke up once at night, and now she is sleeping all night long. She is doing things that amaze us everyday. Sleeping through the night is just one of those things. At just a week old she was holding her head up like a champ. She loves to look around! She started rolling over at just 3 weeks, and she is starting to smile.

1 Week Old
We took Sage to her first doctors appointment and found out that due to the intense delivery she had a broken clavicle and two hematomas on her cheek from being pulled out with the forceps. She is a tough little cookie. She doesn't even seem bothered by them. 

She is a tummy sleeper! The problem with that is she scoots. 
She scoots all over her crib, and she is fast!

Tying flies with Dad.

Matt had the opportunity to bless Sage on his first Father's Day. He gave a beautiful blessing, and Sage looked darling in her white dress. 

Most nights we end our night with bath time. Sage loves the warm water!

We love our little girl!

May 10th, 2016

It all started the morning of the 9th. I got up to use the bathroom around 6:00 and noticed I had lost my mucous plug. My contractions started pretty quickly after. I got back into bed to try to go back to sleep but of course my mind wouldn't shut off. I ended up going out on the couch to start tracking my contractions. Everything I had read to prepare me for this moment told me to follow the 511 rule (5 minutes apart, lasting for 1 minute, for 1 hour). That is when we needed to go to the hospital. Mine were coming every 3 minutes, but only lasting for 30-40 seconds. After I had reached my hour of tracking I decided to go wake Matt up. I calming said "I'm having contractions, we are probably going to the hospital, I'm getting in the shower.", and Matt rolled over and went back to sleep. After I got out of the shower I called the doctor. The nurse I talked to on the phone made me feel a little silly for calling. After telling her about my contractions she bluntly said "YOU NEED TO GO THE THE HOSPITAL!". I then told Matt that we needed to go, and he asked "Do I have time to shower?" Haha So while Matt was showering I loaded the car while buckling over every 3 minutes to get through the next contraction.

We got to the hospital around 9:00. The nurses wanted to check how far along I was before officially admitting me. I was only dilated to a 2, and typically they wont admit you unless you are at a 3. So they recommended we walk around the halls to see if I would progress. For the next hour Matt and I walked the halls, well Matt walked, I kinda bounced. I really wanted to stay! By this point my contractions were getting a little bit more intense and with my pain tolerance I knew I needed that epidural soon. The nurse checked me again, and I had progressed enough to be admitted! YAY! They got me all settled, talked to me about a few things, and then asked when I wanted the epidural. Which I replied "Um...now?"

Shortly after receiving the epidural my water broke, which was a really cool feeling. The nurses told me it was probably a good thing I got the epidural when I did because my contractions became really strong quickly after my water broke. At that point I was progressing very quickly! Everyone was talking as if we would be having this baby that afternoon. When I reached an 8 everything slowed down. Hours went by and nothing happened. The day flew by and we realized that we wouldn't be having our baby that day. I was exhausted! It was 1:00 in the morning of the 10th, and the nurse was talking about getting ready to start pushing. When she left the room everything set in. I was going to have to push this baby out! I looked up at Matt with watery eyes. When he asked me what was wrong I told him that I was scared I wouldn't be able to do it. I was already so exhausted, I was afraid I didn't have the energy. Matt of course told me I was going to do great, and encouraged me as best he could. He then gave me a blessing to comfort me and give me strength.

After pushing for 2 and a half hours the doctor was called in. At this point my body was not responding to my epidural so I could feel more then I was wanting to, I was extremely exhausted, emotional, and scared. Nothing was going how I had imaged it. After pushing a few times with the doctor there, he realized this baby was a lot bigger then we all thought. That's when things got intense! The voices of the doctor and nurses all changed. You could feel the tension. With every contraction I had everyone shouting at me! "PUSH!!" Our little baby was stuck, so the doctor had to use the forceps to help pull her out as I pushed.

After pushing for 3 hours our baby girl was finally here! She was born at 4:45 am. She wasn't crying when she was born so the doctor quickly cut the cord and she was taken to the side to get checked out. All I really remember at this point was Matt leaning over me, with his arms around me trying to calm me down. And the nurses all saying "She's a big baby!". Then Sage was placed on my chest. I wish I could say it was this beautiful moment but as Sage was laying on my chest screaming, I was falling asleep! Haha Everyone had told us how amazing and spiritual labor and delivery would be. I don't know what they were talking about. The spirit wasn't in our room! It was long, emotional, exhausting, painful, and down right traumatizing! For all three of us! I am very grateful that my memories of those long hours are very much a blur.

The memory I hope I never forget is when Matt got to hold his daughter for the first time. At this point everything had calmed down and seemed quite. I opened my tired eyes to see Matt sitting in a rocking chair, cradling Sage. I wont go into detail about his special moment, but it was darling. I just remember smiling as I watched them. That moment made it all worth it!

Soon after we were taken to our room and all three of us passed out! That's when I got to finally have my special moment. Getting to nap with my daughter curled up next to me, skin to skin, was amazing! I remember falling asleep with tears in my eyes as I snuggled with this new, fresh out of heaven baby. My baby!

Sage Myers
May 10th, 2016
9lb 4oz