Wednesday, December 20, 2017

November 2017

November was kinda a low key month for Sage and I, but Matt was very busy with school. We didn't see him much which is always hard. I am so happy that this will be our last holiday season being in school. It's hard to get into the holiday season when Matt isn't around. 

Whenever we did get the time to spend with Matt we tried to take advantage of it. Even if the was just simply going to Wheeler Farm to feed the ducks.

We love when Auntie Anne comes to the zoo with us. She is defiantly one of Sage's favorite people! 

I am so grateful for this little family of mine! Don't we look so happy!

After Thanksgiving and before Matt got wrapped up in school again we went and got ourselves a Christmas tree! Sage loved running up and down the rows of trees. Every few seconds she would pop her head out of the trees and say "PEEK" it was the cutest thing ever.

Decorating the tree with Sage was so special. As a little girl I remember watching my mom put on the Christmas lights and getting to help put on all the ornaments. Having Sage by my side this year, hearing her excited squeals as she pulled out each ornament was so fun. Sage has made this Christmas season so special. 


This little girl is the best! She is so silly, so sassy, an emotional roller coaster, a little diva,  totally stubborn, but at the same time such a fun happy girl. 

She is back on the growth charts at a solid 1% Haha! Her vocabulary is unreal. Her favorite food right now is pomegranates. She loves puzzles and is really fast at them. She will dump all her puzzles out all at once and do them all at the same time. She is such a little smarty. 

Whenever you ask Sage to smile, this is what you get! It gets us laughing every time. 

Really could she get any cuter?