Saturday, March 11, 2017

10 Months

Sage is now 10 Months old! 
Her silly personality continues to blossom as the days go by. She eats anything and everything we put in front of her. She has gotten over her "shy" stage. She waves at everyone. Every time she sees a dog she barks, but when you ask her "what does a dog say?" she wont perform. I'm still working with her to say 'Mama' but every time she just giggles and says "Dada". She absolutely loves her cousins. And she is our whole world! We couldn't love her more.

She is such a good little eater! Like I said she eats anything and everything, and she enjoys it! 

All I can say is that she is BEAUTIFUL!!

It's obvious that Sage loves when her cousins come to play, but I think I love it even more! They are my little baby sitters. Especially that Cali girl.

These two are trouble makers! I find them up to no good ALL THE TIME! When I find them, they both look up at me with the biggest smiles. Sage loves her friends! 

Lately Sage has been showing a lot of interest in her walker. It's so fun watching her cruse around the house. It makes her seem so big. Well not really...she is really short, but you know what I mean. 

Lately she has been doing this scrunch face smile. Haha! It's so funny. I think she knows everyone thinks it's funny so she does it all the time. 

Could she get any cuter!! When I'm working, Sage is usually the first to wake up so she spends time with me on the couch! It's so fun just hanging out while she looks at books and I play on my phone. She is my little buddy!

Matt was home for a week again and it was so nice to be able to go out with my hubby! Me and Sage are so ready to have him home for good. He makes our life so much for fun! 

I took Sage to the farm the other day and she loved it! It was so fun seeing her get excited about all the animals and point at all of them. 

We finally got a zoo pass, so I took Sage with all her cousins. I love how much she loves animals. It's been so fun getting to experience all these fun activities with her.

Can I please have another just like her!