Monday, October 2, 2017

September 2017

This month has been pretty crazy with Matt starting school and still trying to work part time. We don't see him as much anymore which is hard, but this is his LAST YEAR and then he graduates! I am so proud of him. Its been a long time coming and it wasn't easier for either of us. 

Something new with me...I was made a beehive adviser in our ward. I still have mixed feeling about the calling but trying to stay positive and get to know the 15 girls. Yes, 15! Just in beehives. Excepting the calling was not an easy decision for me. I am a extremely private person when it comes to the gospel and my relationship with my Heavenly Father. To top it off I have the worst fear of teaching. Hopefully it will be a growing experience for me.

Adventures this Month...

We went to the Tracy Aviary for the first time. It was a fun new place for Sage to explore!
She loved it!

Matt had to go to Mexico for school for a week, so of course me and Sage take advantage of our girl time. I have decided I love to go out to eat just the two of us. Its so fun! 

Cutest little Ute ever!
As we watched the BYU/UTAH game Sage started trying to say "GO UTES"

Utah State Fair
Every year Matt and I go to the fair. It's been something we always look forward to. Having Sage makes going to the fair so much more fun! She loved everything. She ran from animal to animal screaming with excitement. 

Sage was lucky to have Auntie Anne to go on the Big Yellow Slide with. Her face was priceless! I couldn't stop laughing. 

It's officially Fall! I was so excited to pull out all mine and Sage's sweaters!

Sage and I went to the Aquarium, which is always a favorite of Sage's. This time though Sage was so brave and touched a stingray! I wish I could of gotten a photo of her face when she toughed it, because it was so funny! But it looked a little something like this...

Nothing beats the Zoo!

This month we added a new sister to the family! Braden and Alynn were married September 30th.

SAGE update...

Sage is 16 Months! She is becoming so silly. The hour before bedtime she gets so hipper and goofy. At the same time...her sassiness is getting worse and worse. Haha! When she throws a tantrum I am reminded she is no longer a baby. She defiantly knows how to throw a toddler tantrum. I have lost count of her new words. She is a talker! She always amazes me with how smart she is. 

Lately we have been working on brushing teeth. She prefers to do it by herself of course. But is getting better at letting me help at the end. 

Another thing Sage likes to do is sit on the potty. She has shown a lot of interest in the bathroom. Weather it's "blowing" her nose, sitting on the potty, telling me she went poop, or taking her diaper off and running for the bathroom. I got tired of holding her while she sat on the potty so I got her a seat so she can do it all by herself. 

Sage has her first movie obsession! Haha! She runs to the TV and says "Pooh". She loves Winnie the Pooh. I try showing her other movies and she just keeps asking for "Pooh". I think Matt and I have it memorized, we have seen it so many times.