Wednesday, April 12, 2017

11 Months

This girl is almost a year old! WHAT!! How did that happen? Her personality keeps growing! She really has been our dream baby! Sleeps great, Eats almost anything, Teething champ, and even though she can be very sassy she is such a happy, silly girl! We really couldn't love her more.

Sage loves going to the zoo. She is such a little animal lover! I LOVE IT!! She gets so excited seeing all the animals. She points at everything! The other fun thing I have noticed is she is so good at following my finger. When I point something out to her she follows where my finger is pointing and knows what I'm showing her. It's so fun to watch!

Speaking of loving animals...Sage's favorite is Dogs! She loves them all, but Cooper has a special spot in her heart! Whenever we go over to Nana & Papa's house its fun to watch Cooper come and lay next to Sage. He defiantly feels loved by her! 

The week Matt came home we tried to cram in all the fun activities! Unfortunately the weather was horrible that week so the aquarium was a must! 

Swimming was another fun thing we did while Matt was in town. That suit! Come on! She kills me! She loved swimming. We took her down the slide this time and she loved it. 

Matt also was able to be home for my birthday! It was fun getting to spend the day together. It feels weird to say that I'm 25. It doesn't feel that long ago that I was in high school, and now look at me! Married for almost 6 years and have an almost 1 year old. CRAZY!

I love getting to watch Sage and Matt's relationship grow. She loves her Daddy! I know she has fun with me and loves me so much, but when Matt's around he somehow brings out this super silly side to her. I love it! Everything is way more fun with Dad is around. We are so lucky to have him!

Sage and cousin Serena finally got to play! Melissa and the kids were in town for a week. It was so great getting to spend time with her and the kids. They have all grown up so much. It was also so much fun watching these two girls get to play, fight, steal toys, and figure each other out. 

I can't imagine life with out this perfect little stinker in it! She makes me so dang happy! For quite some time I felt like there was a piece of me missing, and she was that missing piece! The moment she made me a Mama I knew I was complete!