Wednesday, April 4, 2018

March 2018

At the beginning of this month I bought a stool for the bathroom. Sage thinks its a pretty awesome place to hang out. Its fun to peak in and see what she is doing in there or hearing her talk to herself as she sits on the stool.

Sage has such a big imagination and I love seeing it grow. She is so good at playing by herself, sometimes I will try and join in on the fun but she quickly tells me "No Mama". 

I walked in her room one night to find her having a tea party with her Winnie the pooh friends. 

Look at this sassy face! Lately she wants to wear her swim suit in the tub. She gets so mad at me if I don't let her. 

As we were walking Target one day, Sage randomly shouted "Dinosaur Backpack!" She loves dinosaurs right now and I have been wanting to get her a backpack for her church bag.


Matt had spring break this month and I thought it would be fun to head down to Saint George for a few days. It was so fun being with each other. We did a lot of hiking in Snow Canyon. Sage hated the feel of the sand on her feet, but she loved the hiking pack. 

Sage was a champ in the car! I was so proud of her. She slept, ate snacks, sang songs, and watched movies. But most importantly she didn't have any accidents!

She always had a great view for her potty breaks! Haha!

I was so worried about how she would do squatting, but once she saw Matt pee on the rocks she had to get in on the action! I think she was more proud of herself squatting then going on the potty for the first time. She was talking about peeing on the rocks for the rest of the day.

Sage had a blast in the pack! Matt not so much! She would either be tickling Matt's neck, trying to take his hat off, or singing her heart out! She knows so many songs but her newest one is the ABC's so we were listening to it on repeat as we hiked.

One of the mornings Matt wanted to try out a frisbee golf course, so Sage and I walked along and kept him company. Sage at times wanted to take a turn. 

All this playing and no napping is exhausting!

This month I turned 26 but it wasn't much of a birthday. I was really sick with some flu bug. It broke my heart to hear Sage crying at my door saying "Mama! Where are you Mama?" Ever since I recovered she has been so clingy. Always wanting me to hold her or snuggle her. She tells me probably 20 times a day "I love you so much Mama!"

While getting Sage ready for bed one night, she said.
"Me Happy! You happy Mama?"
I can't even express how much happiness this girl brings to my life! My Journey with infertility is constantly testing me but Sage reminds me everyday why I keep going and why I keep trying!
I love you baby girl!