Monday, July 31, 2017

July 2017

Since we got our new hiking pack we have been trying to find time to get out and use it. We hiked up donut falls and it was beautiful! 

While we were hiking Matt handed this little flower to Sage and she held on to it the entire hike. It was so darn cute! 

Sage was making monkey noises all the way down.
Silly Girl!

Happy 4th of July!!
We started our day by going to breakfast at IHop, because no where else was open. Then we went swimming with Matt's sister Megan and her family! It was fun to get out and do something fun as a family. It doesn't happen very often with Matt working.

This year we felt like Sage is still too young to stay up late for the big firework show...and I'm too much of a control freak and like to keep her on her schedule. Haha!! So we did our own little firework show for her in the front yard. It was fun to see her eyes get so big as she watched them pop.

I had to get Sage her first Slurpee, and you cant go wrong when its Free Slurpee day! She loved it!

We finally got out and did a little fishing as a family! I had little faith in it being a successful outing, but Sage surprised me once again! She did amazing! I brought a blanket and a bunch of snacks, and she just hung out and watched the chipmunks and bugs. Both Matt and I were able to catch some fish so that made it good too!

She is the sweetest!!

Matt and I went on a little getaway to one of our favorite places, Yellowstone! We left Sage with my sister Jayne so we could have a little more freedom to do what we wanted. It was really fun getting to spend some one on one time with Matt. We only went for two days. The first day we spent most of our time in the park searching for wildlife! My favorite part of Yellowstone.

That night we did a little fishing. We stayed out till the sun went down. We had lots of bits but not a lot of fish. But it was beautiful being out on the river as the sun set in front of us.

A little update on this cute girl...

Sage surprises us everyday with all the things she picks up on. I swear she has a new word daily!
She now knows...
Side (outside)
Uh Oh
Thank You

The newest body parts she knows...

The newest animal sounds...

But the BIGGEST and BEST trick!! SHE IS NOW WALKING!!!!

This was so random! One day she just stood up and took off! It was crazy! For the first few weeks she would walk with her hands up in the air. It was so funny! I'm so glad I got a picture of it because now she isn't doing it anymore. She is starting to run now. You can tell she is so much happier and way more independent. She thinks she is such a big girl now!

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

June 2017


So far summer has been perfect! We have literally been outside everyday. One of the fun things we have gotten to do is introduce Sage to summer treats!

Cali introduced Sage to sidewalk chalk. Look how cute these two are! Sage wants to do everything Cali does. She follows her around and just watches her.

 This May my mother had a knee replacement so she has been stuck at the house for awhile. Its fun to watch Sage sit in bed with her Grammy and watch a show or read books. We also had Grammy join us on one of our nightly walks. 

 Sage is a little water baby! She is in this little pool everyday, so I got in with her one of the days. She thought it was pretty funny to see her Mama in the water.

Every once in awhile we get to go to the BIG pool. Sage gets so excited playing in the water with other kids. She giggles and squeals as she watches the older kids.

We don't get to spend a lot of time with Matt so when we get the chance we try and take advantage of the time. We finally were able to make it up in the mountains and walk around Silver Lake.

I was able to go horseback riding with my dad and three sisters for Anne's birthday. It was so fun to be together! Boy was I feeling it after! Ouch!

Sage (13 Months) Jonah (7 Months)

When Matt has a day off and isn't busy he is good about talking Sage out just the two of them. Of course the Aquarium is a must! Teaching her to love fish. 

We visit Dada a lot at work! 

GUESS WHAT!!!! We have a walker! 
Randomly one day she just took off! She still crawls most of the time but she is getting better. 

I love my little side kick!