Saturday, December 10, 2016

7 Months

Sage is now 7 months old and is full of personality! She is always smiling and recently always has her tongue out. It is so cute! 

It's been getting chilly outside so we broke out the hats! She still loves being outside so it's time to start bundling her up. 

Marshmallow baby! Chilly winter night walks.

Happy Thanksgiving for the 3 of us!

Her newest trick is pulling herself up! She needs to slow down. Our doctor told us that he doesn't want her to be walking tell 10 months and I don't know how that's going to work out. She is unstoppable. 

Sage's first Christmas tree! Even though she doesn't understand this year, it's so fun getting to share our traditions with her. 

I hope she always loves me as much as she loves me right now. We are the best of buds! I spend most of my days laying on the floor with her.